
Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

Hello Friends!
I know I have long been absent from blogging and I do apologize. Life has been busy! But I'm hoping to get back into semi-regular posts as I still love doing costume studies and want to finish the Robin Hood studies. By the looks of it, it's going to be a very busy year so I'm not sure just how regular I can post but I'm going to try to keep up better!
I haven't done much sewing lately...mostly it's been knitting...knitting...knitting. :)
I made this cowl for my sister (she picked the yarn and buttons) as a Christmas present:
(sorry about the crummy picture) :P
And I've also made a few other things which I'll post pictures of eventually. :)
Well, I must be off to bed...but I wanted to pop by and tell you all Happy New Year! And let you know this blog isn't abandoned. :)
~Anna Kristine


  1. Happy New Year! I've missed you blogging, but I understand that life does get busy!

  2. That looks so very very cosy.
