
Friday, June 1, 2012

Supplies for Finishing :)

I have been really busy lately so I'm sorry for the lack of posting! My parents were here visiting last week and my mom brought me my beads so now I can finish my Maid Marian dress! She also brought me the leftover dress scrap fabric so I need to decide if I want to make a belt or not. If I's going to be awhile before it's finished. :P
I haven't been doing very well on my challenge have I? I'm already 4 costumes behind. :P Ah well, it has helped me get more done then I think I would have otherwise. And who knows...maybe one of these months before the year is up I'll whip out a ton of costumes. ;) And they don't all have to be big costumes, accessories count too. :)
Below are the supplies I have to finish the dress. I am excited to finish it! 

The beads on the left are some I bought while being impatient for my beads to get here, but I think they might be too gold. The beads in the middle are what my mom brought, but now I'm worried there aren't enough of them. The red cord is some suede cord I'm going to use for the lacing in the back and the embroidery floss is to hand sew the eyelets. I think I need a day to watch Robin Hood and work on this!
I am going to have to put working on costumes into my schedule so I will remember to get it done. ;) 
Hopefully I will have more to update soon!
What have all of you been working on?
♥ Anna

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