
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Les Miserables

The trailer is out for the new Les Miserables which is coming out in theaters this December and I'm so excited to see it! I went through an obsession with this story when I was about twelve years old, (with the movie and book) I loved the movie with Liam Neeson as Jean Valjean and I can't wait to see Hugh Jackman in the role. Not to mention, it's a musical...and Anne Hatheway is in it. Both of whom have gorgeous voices. I have been waiting for them to do a musical together since they sang together at The Oscars. I am so looking forward to this!
And that is really all I have to say. I will let the photos speak for themselves:

You can view the trailer here.
~Anna Kristine


  1. I am wondering if you could do a look into the movie 'Snow White and the Huntsman'. I'm curious about creating the hunstman costume and how authentic it would be towards actual historical reference for around the 1200's

    1. I am hoping to see the movie sometime this month! I would love to look closer at the costumes!

  2. I am SO looking forward to this movie! I love the musical and the trailer makes it look so good! Between this and Great Gatsby I can't wait for December!

  3. Ah, this movie! I cannot wait to for this one. =) I fell in love with the Liam Neison version at a young age as well, recently read the book, and now I'm diving into the musical!

  4. I'm really looking forward to seeing Russel Crowe in this! But since it comes out the same day as The Hobbit, i think that the Hobbit will probably get first pick... :o)

    1. Oh I didn't realize The Hobbit comes out the same day! Well I will probably see them both at some point while they are in the theater. :) My mom and sister want to go see Les Miserables while I am home at Christmas though so we will probably go see that for sure.

  5. Every characters of this movie have a beautiful dressing code. The clothes they wear were perfect for their role. Thanks for sharing and keep posting.

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  6. I can't wait to see this film! I love popping into your blog! You are a very inspiring and illuminating blogger. I had to include you in my recent post! Thanks for the great read and the wonderful costuming!

    1. Thanks Ana Patricia! It's so good to know you enjoy my blog! And thanks for the award!
      ♥ Anna Kristine
