
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Bit of a Costume Wish List

I almost always have a costume wish list floating around in my mind, which changes often. Some days I'm all about something Regency, other days it's Medieval. Here are a few things I've been dreaming about lately.
I fell in love with this gorgeous costume Gwen wears in the BBC series 'Merlin'. I love the pastel colors and the little embroidered details! I would love to make a replica of this someday! 
Back view: I love the lacing and the embroidery!
I've always been in love with Eowyn's Sheildmaiden dress from Lord of the Rings. A friend of mine is making a replica which is turning out gorgeous! You can see her's so far here. Maybe someday I will make this too :)
I would love to make one of these white dresses from Marie Antoinette. They are so gorgeous! And they look so summery!
I need to finish my current Elizabeth Swann costume first, but I've always wanted to make her Island Shift from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
Those are just a few floating around in my mind lately. I have a whole box of fabric for different projects though which I need to use up, so it would be awhile before I make any of these.
What costume are you dreaming of making lately?
♥ Anna Kristine


  1. My sister and I are working on my Sheildmaiden dress currently. I'm very excited!

    1. Oh fun! I would love to make that dress!! I would love to see pictures. :)

  2. That blue dress is definitely my favorite of Gwen's although that pink one comes close second!

    1. Oh yes! I love her pink dress too! I can't wait to see what costumes she has in Season 5! :)
