Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Finished Project

I've been getting some serious sewing done the past couple days. :) I made a list of all my projects I haven't finished and I'm making myself finish them before I start anything else.
One of the things was this Regency blouse I started last year. It's perfect for Spring! See more pictures HERE.


  1. haha! bravo! isn't it so nice to complete things? :) and I think in the end you really have more time and finish projects faster when you do them one at a time and force yourself to finish it because you're excited about another something you want to make and so you just keep sewing...at least that's how it works for me. :) anyway, darling top the fabric and details are lovely!

  2. Oh, thank you girlies. :)
    AnnaMae, I decided to try your method. You inspired me! It's working well so far! :)

  3. This is a really cute blouse. I have always thought about making one with the regency dress pattern, but I have just never gotten around to it. Congratulations on getting something checked off your list!



Although I continually talk about movie costumes on this blog, I am not a movie reviewer. Not all the films I discuss are recommended and I do not choose to review weather they are appropriate or not for the simple fact that every person's standards are different. Something that is fine for me may be offensive to some one else and visa versa. If you would like to look into the appropriateness of a title, I recommend pluggedinonline.com. I have not seen all the movies I discuss, and am simply interested in the art of clothes in film. I will leave you to decide for yourself if you will watch the movie or not.


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