Monday, February 16, 2009


I stocked up on Civil War underpinnings patterns today as there was a 5 for $5 sale on Simplicity patterns at JoAnn's today. SO HAPPY. :) I used to have these but the silly girl that I am I gave them away when I moved to England. Oh well...I have them again. Can't wait to make some new underpinnings!
And I got some much needed Gutermann thread and boning so I can finally finish my Elizabeth Swann corset!
All I can say is...yay. :)


  1. hallo! I just noticed that you are (or were) on here too, as I just saw you comment!
    I hope you had a lovely Sunday!
    See you Wednesday?

  2. Hee hee!
    Yes I should be in bed...yawn.
    Wednesday! WOOHOO!! I'll call you tomorrow so we can discuss it. =]
    The party was sa-weet! Love ya!

  3. Beautiful... beautiful...

    I love it!

  4. We had that sale here too, so I got some patterns. Keep up the good work, your creations are such an inspiration!



Although I continually talk about movie costumes on this blog, I am not a movie reviewer. Not all the films I discuss are recommended and I do not choose to review weather they are appropriate or not for the simple fact that every person's standards are different. Something that is fine for me may be offensive to some one else and visa versa. If you would like to look into the appropriateness of a title, I recommend I have not seen all the movies I discuss, and am simply interested in the art of clothes in film. I will leave you to decide for yourself if you will watch the movie or not.


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